A Giving Goal

Often, the idealism of youth is lost as one achieves success and acquires material possessions later in life. What was originally considered to be "enough" or even "beyond my wildest dreams" can become just another milestone on one's quest...

Capturing your current vision of how you wish to give of yourself and your resources in the future could help you plan to give more meaningfully. Revisiting this vision in ten or twenty years could provide a reminder of the ideals of your youth that may shape or re-shape your future actions.

If you have already posted your Giving Goal and would like to update your email for future reminders, please contact info@thephilanthropylab.org

Step 1

Have a healthy and vigorous dialogue in your class on the general idea of having a personal Giving Goal as a college student.

Step 2

Set a Giving Goal concerning your future giving plans. 

Step 3

Share a brief statement of your Giving Goals on The Philanthropy Lab’s website as a way to inspire others to do the same. You may post anonymously to the public if you wish.

Step 4

Share your permanent email address and phone number with The Philanthropy Lab, for the sole purpose of the reminder mechanism, so we can remind you of your goal in 5 year increments for 20 years into the future. Be sure to respond to the confirmation email for your giving goal to be active.

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Over 2,649+ course participants have written giving goals in a demonstration of leadership!